A List of All Phobias and Their Meanings: Know What Scares You (2024)

A List of All Phobias and Their Meanings: Know What Scares You (1)

A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something, that in reality, may not be very harmful. Here is a list of all phobias and their meanings, which will help you to get familiarized with the terminologies related to various phobias, and at the same time, will increase your knowledge about them.

A List of All Phobias and Their Meanings: Know What Scares You (2)

A phobia can be defined as an aberrant and intense fear of an object or situation, that poses little or no actual danger. Usually, a phobia is considered similar to a normal fear, but it is the extent to which a person is affected, that determines whether that fear has become a phobia. The most common fears or phobias that people usually suffer from include; heights, darkness, snakes, insects, closed-in places, etc.

Though your phobia can be an irrational fear for others, a single thought of that object or situation can actually make you anxious, and if in case you are exposed to that situation, the terror is automatic and overwhelming. The experience can be so scary or nerve-wracking, that you may go to any extent of avoiding it, and would eventually end up changing your lifestyle too.

For example, if you have claustrophobia, you might turn down a remunerative job offer, if you have to ride the elevator to reach the office. Again, if you have a phobia of heights, you might drive an extra 25 miles to avoid climbing a tall bridge. Following is a list of all phobias and their meanings that will acquaint you with different types of phobias, some of which you may not even be aware of.


Ablutophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. The phobia is more common in women and children, especially with people who are extremely emotional.

Acarophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of mites, small insects, or worms that cause itching.

Acerophobia: It is an intense fear of sourness or things that are sour in taste.

Achluophobia: It is a morbid fear associated with darkness, that can create a catastrophic situation for a person especially at night; also called lygophobia, myctophobia, and scotophobia.

Acousticophobia: It is an exaggerated or irrational fear of noise and sounds, including one’s own sound.

Acrophobia: It is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. Also known as altophobia, batophobia or hypsiphobia, the person having acrophobia may get a pain attack when at a high place, and can become too agitated to get himself down safely.

Aerophobia: It is an abnormal fear associated with drafts of air, air swallowing, fresh air, or airborne noxious substances that can cause severe anxiety in the sufferers.

Aeroacrophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear related to open and high places.

Aeronausiphobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of being sick or vomiting in a plane. The phobia is mainly related to people who experience sickness while traveling, especially through aircraft.

Agateophobia: It is a persistent and abnormal fear of insanity or loss of mental health. Also known by terms like dementophobia, maniaphobia, feared madness, this phobia causes distress and sudden pain attacks in the sufferers.

Agliophobia: It is an irrational fear of pain, getting hurt or being injured. The victims of this phobia avoid situations that can cause any kind of physical confrontation or opposition.

Agoraphobia: It is an irrational fear of crowded/public places or even leaving a safe place. Also known as demophobia and enochlophobia, the agoraphobic situations may include shopping, crowded places, traveling, standing in line, social gatherings, and even being alone.

Agraphobia: It is a persistent fear of sexual abuse, attack, rape, or any abusive relationship. Also known as contreltophobia, the person having this phobia may be frightened of any kind of sexual intimacy, and would eventually stay away from the outside world and keep himself relatively housebound.

Agrizoophobia: It is an abnormal and immense fear of wild animals. The phobia is caused by over-estimating the danger due to the wild or jungle animals.

Agyrophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of crossing streets, highways and other thoroughfares. Also termed as dromophobia, the person may have a phobia of being attacked on the street and unable to protect or defend himself while crossing the street.

Aibohphobia: It is the fear of palindromes.

It is an extreme and irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects like needles, knives or even a pointed finger. It is also known by terms, like, belonephobia, trypanophobia, enetophobia or just needle phobia.

Ailurophobia: It is an abnormal fear of cats. Also known as felinophobia, elurophobia, and gatophobia, the person suffering from ailurophobia may fear physical injuries through bites, scratches or even perceived supernatural nature of cats.

Albuminurophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of any kind of kidney disease. The phobia is caused by overestimating the dangers due to the disease and believing that it may be life-threatening, which in reality may not be.

Alektorophobia: It is an intense and strange fear of chickens, in which the person may be frightened of every small thing related to a chicken, like, feathers, eggs or any other body part. The person suffering from this phobia gets terrified by the sight of a chicken or becomes scared even when people utter the word ‘chicken’.

Algophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of pain. Also known as odynophobia or odynephobia, it’s an anxiety disorder where the sufferer is scared of experiencing pain or seeing others experiencing it.

Alliumphobia: It is an extraordinary and irrational fear of garlic. Victims usually experience an eccentric reaction whenever they see or smell garlic. It is also believed that vampires are notoriously alliumphobic.

Allodoxaphobia: It is an unjustified and irrational fear of the opinions, confrontations, arguments and even praise from others; also known as doxophobia.

Amathophobia: It is a strange and persistent fear of dust, in which the sufferers experience anxiety even though they know dust poses no major threat or harm to them. The phobia is also called koniophobia.

Amaxophobia: It is an intense and irrational fear of sitting or traveling in any type of moving vehicle. Also called hamaxophobia or ochophobia, people suffering from amaxophobia are often confined to home or restrict their movements to places that are within easy walking distance from their home.

Ambulophobia: It is an unusual fear of walking or standing, in which people may prefer to crawl on their hands and knees rather than walking. The phobia is also known by terms like basophobia, basiphobia, stasibasiphobia or stasiphobia and is more common in people who had been through a leg injury, and are recovering from a fracture or severe paralysis which might have made them motionless for some time.

Amnesiphobia: It is an intense and severe fear of amnesia, a memory loss condition in which the person is unable to recall anything, ranging from names to daily life activities.

Amychophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear of being scratched, lacerated, or clawed particularly by cats, dogs, puppies, and kittens.

Anablephobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of looking up; not necessarily the sky, could be ceilings, tall buildings, etc.

Ancraophobia: It is an unusual fear of wind that causes anxiety in the person. Also known as anemophobia, this phobia is attributed to some incident in the past which makes the person fear wind and its tremendous power.

Androphobia: It is an abnormal or morbid fear of men. Also known as arrhenphobia or hominophobia, people suffering from this phobia experience anxiety and avoid situations or places where men are present.

Anginophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of angina, choking, suffocating, or narrowness of the throat. Also known as pnigophobia or pnigerophobia, this phobia is more common in people who have a history of heart diseases, cardiac arrest or choking, etc.

Anglophobia: It is an unusual fear or hatred of England, its people, language or culture. The phobia may develop in people due to past human rights abuses, wars, racial or religious hatred, or a good-natured rivalry.

Angrophobia: It is an overwhelming and aberrant fear of anger and/or of becoming angry. The person suffering from this phobia may fear that his/her anger can hurt another person’s feelings or can intensify and turn to violence. Also known as cholerophobia, an angrophobic person may totally withdraw from socializing and may actively avoid contact with others.

Ankylophobia: It is an exaggerated and unreasonable fear of stiff or immobile joints which may develop in a person due to an intense negative experience from the past.

Anthrophobia: It is an abnormal or irrational fear of flowers. Also known as anthophobia, a person having this phobia may get terrified seeing flowers, florists, wreaths and bouquets.

Anthropophobia: It is an abnormal and unwarranted fear of people or society in which the person experiences unusual and extreme difficulty in interacting with others, and hence actively avoids social and crowded gatherings.

Antlophobia: It is an exaggerated and aberrant fear of floods, entrapment in water or getting drowned in water.

Anuptaphobia: It is an unusual and persistent fear of remaining unmarried, being single or getting married to the wrong person. The phobia usually develops in a person due to a combination of external traumatic events and internal predispositions.

Apeirophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of infinity or things that never end.

Aphenphosmphobia: It is an unusual and weird fear of touching or being touched. Also known as aphephobia, chiraptophobia, haphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, haptophobia, and thixophobia, it is an intense exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one’s personal space, expressed as a fear of contamination or of the invasion not only from strangers but also from known people.

Apiphobia: It is a persistent fear of bees or being stung by bees. Also known as melissophobia, people usually develop this phobia if they have encountered a sting in the past from a honeybee or wasp.

Apotemnophobia: It is an irrational and unwarranted fear a person may have of becoming an amputee or from people with amputations.

Arachibutyrophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The person having the phobia may get extremely annoyed or embarrassed to pull out the stuck butter from the upper part of the mouth, especially in a crowded or public place.

Arachnephobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of spiders. Also known as arachnophobia, it is the most common type of animal phobia, which terrifies the person with the animal’s moves and appearance.

Arithmophobia: It is an irrational or illogical fear of numbers and calculations. Also known as numerophobia, sufferers primarily find difficulty in learning mathematics and arithmetic properly.

Arsonphobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of fire or arson, or anything set on fire. The phobia is also known as pyrophobia.

Asthenophobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of fainting or weakness. By practicing basic relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, the sufferer can counteract some of the physical symptoms of the phobia.

Astraphobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of thunderstorms and lightning. Also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, ceraunophobia, keraunophobia and tonitrophobia, the sufferers experience anxiety and restlessness due to thunder and lightning, and when indoors, they may seek shelter under a bed, in a closet or in a basem*nt.

Astrophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of stars, celestial space or universe.

Asymmetriphobia: It is an unusual fear of asymmetrical, mismatched, one-sided things or things that lack symmetry.

Ataxiophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of ataxia (clumsy, unsteady movement of limbs due to muscular dysfunction) or inability to co-ordinate muscles.

Ataxophobia: It is an exaggerated and unreasonable fear of disorder, untidiness, chaos or mess.

Atelophobia: It is an intense and irrational fear of imperfection and defects in which the sufferers exhibit the phobia of failing to achieve perfection in any of their actions, beliefs and ideas.

Atephobia: It is a persistent and unwarranted fear of ruined or old buildings, or things getting ruined or damaged.

Athazagoraphobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced. The person having this phobia may experience depression, anger and deliberate isolation even with a small thought of being forgotten or ignored.

Atomosophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of atomic or nuclear explosions, bombs, wars, etc.

Atychiphobia: It is an exaggerated and irrational fear of failure or failing. Also known as kakorrhaphiophobia, this phobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from the past.

Aulophobia: It is an abnormal and unreasonable fear of flutes and other woodwind instruments.

Aurophobia: It is an irrational or unusual fear of gold or golden things/objects.

Auroraphobia: It is an exaggerated and persistent fear of aurorae or northern and southern lights, which are natural light displays in the sky at night, particularly observed in the polar regions.

Autodysomophobia: It is an unusual or abnormal fear of one that has a vile or bad odor. Also known as bromidrosiphobia,in this the person has phobia of one’s own body odor no matter how many times he/she takes a bath or shower.

Automatonophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, humanoid robots, wax statues or other figures that are designed to represent humans.

Automysophobia: It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of germs, of being dirty or unclean; also called misophobia, mysophobia, rupophobia, rhypophobia or verminophobia.

Autophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of loneliness, solitude, and of being alone. Also known as cremophobia, eremophobia, isolophobia or monophobia, the person suffering from this phobia may experience anxiety and will always worry about being ignored or unloved.

Aviatophobia: It is an irrational or unwarranted fear of flying. Also known as aviophobia, pteromerhanophobia, people suffering from this phobia become anxious and stressed at the thought of any transportation that involves air travel.


Bacillophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of bacilli (bacteria), microbes and germs. The phobia is also known as bacteriophobia, microbiophobia, germaphobia or Big-Worm-Dungeon-aphobia.

Ballistophobia: It is a morbid fear of being shot/shot at, or any kind of ammunition like missiles, bullets, projectiles and guns.

Bolshephobia: It is an exaggerated and unusual fear related to Bolsheviks (revolutionaries from the early 1900’s Russian party that threw over the czar and formed into communism).

Barophobia: It is an intense and persistent fear of gravity. People suffering from this phobia may experience anxiety or restlessness when they come across situations involving escalators, fun rides, free fall, lifts, etc.

Bathmophobia: It is an abnormal and irrational fear associated with stairs or steep slopes or hills; also known as climacophobia.

Bathophobia: It is a morbid fear of depth. People suffering from this phobia may fear deeply dimensioned volumes, like, long, dark hallways, wells, deep pools or lakes.

Batrachophobia: It is an intense and persistent fear of amphibians, like, frogs, toads, salamanders, etc.

Bibliophobia: It is a fairly unusual phobia of books. People suffering from this phobia may experience breathlessness and dizziness when forced or encouraged to read.

Blennophobia: It is an unusual or abnormal fear of slime or any thick, viscous matter. The fear is also called myxophobia.

Bogyphobia: It is a morbid fear of goblins, demons, bogeys or bogeyman. The fear is also termed as demonophobia or daemonophobia.

Botanophobia: It is a rare and irrational fear of flowers and plants.

Bufonophobia: It is a morbid and intense fear associated with toads.


Cacophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of ugliness. People suffering from this phobia may not only fear ugly people but may also be fearful of objects and situations that are considered to be ugly.

Cacomorphobia: It is the fear of fat people.

Cancerophobia: It is an abnormal but morbid fear of developing a malignant growth or cancer; also called carcinophobia.

Cardiophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of diseases related to the heart or other organs of the cardiovascular system.

Carnophobia: It is an intense fear of eating meat or any type of non-vegetarian food.

Catagelophobia: It is an abnormal and irrational fear of ridicule or being ridiculed; also known as katagelophobia.

Catapedaphobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear of jumping from high and low places.

Catoptrophobia: It is a strange and unusual fear of mirrors in which, people fear looking into mirrors. The fear is also known as eisoptrophobia.

Celtophobia: It is the fear of Celts.

Chaetophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear associated with hair; could be human hair or animal hair. The fear is also known by terms like hypertrichophobia, trichopathophobia or trichophobia.

Chemophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear related to chemicals or working with chemicals.

Cherophobia: It is an unusual or rare fear of merriment, happiness or gaiety.

Chionophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of snow.

Chirophobia: It is a strange or rare fear associated with hands.

Chiroptophobia: It is a common and persistent fear of bats.

Cholerophobia: It is the fear of cholera.

Chorophobia: It is an irrational and intense fear associated with dancing.

Chrometophobia: It is an unusual and persistent fear of wealth and money. Also termed as chrematophobia, sufferers usually worry that they might mismanage money or money might live up to its reputation as “the root of all evil.”

Chromophobia: It is an exaggerated and unwarranted fear of colors; also known as chromatophobia.

Chronophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of the duration or immensity of time.
Chronomentrophobia: It is an unusual and strange fear of clocks.

Cibophobia: It is an irrational fear or aversion to food. The phobia is also termed as sitophobia.

Claustrophobia: It is a common but morbid fear of closed or confined spaces.

Cleithrophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of being locked in an enclosed or confined place; also known as cleisiophobia.

Clinophobia: It is a persistent and unusual fear of going to bed or sleeping at night. The person having this phobia may fear about nightmares, bed wetting, etc., and quite often stay awake and develop insomnia.

Cnidophobia: People having intense and morbid fear of insect bites or stings are known to suffer from this phobia.

Cometophobia: It is a unwarranted and irrational fear related to comets.

Coimetrophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of cemeteries.

Coitophobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of coitus or sexual intercourse; also termed as genophobia.

Coprastasophobia: It is an overwhelming and persistent fear related to constipation.

Coprophobia: It is an unwarranted and strange fear of feces or bodily waste; also termed as scatophobia.

Consecotaleophobia: It is an abnormal and rare fear of chopsticks.

Coulrophobia: It is an irrational and unusual fear of clowns or mimes.

Counterphobia: It is a psychological condition or phobia in which the affected person deliberately seeks out the object or situation that he or she fears the most, rather than avoiding it.

Cremnophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of precipices/cliffs.

Cryophobia: It is an exaggerated and persistent fear of extreme cold, ice, fog or frost; also known as pagophobia.

Crystallophobia: It is an irrational and intense fear associated with crystals or glass. The phobia is also known as hyalophobia and necrophobia.

Cyberphobia: It is a strange and rare fear related to computers or working on a computer; also called logizomechanophobia.

Cyclophobia: It is an abnormal or unusual fear of bicycles.

Cynophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of dogs, canines and rabies; also termed as kynophobia.

Cypridophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of prostitutes or acquiring venereal diseases. The phobia is also termed as cypriphobia, cyprianophobia or cyprinophobia.


Decidophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of making decisions. The person suffering from this phobia may actually fear making a wrong decision, and so, is reluctant to make any decision at all.

Defecaloesiophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of painful bowel movements.

Deipnophobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of dining, in a social sense or having dinner conversations.

Dendrophobia: It is an abnormal and unwarranted fear related to trees and forests.

Dentophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of dentists, dental surgery or dental care; also known as odontophobia.

Dermatophobia: It is an intense and exaggerated fear of skin diseases or skin lesions. The phobia is also known as dermatosiophobia, dermatophobia or dermatopathophobia.

Dextrophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear associated with objects at the right side of the body.

Diabetophobia: It is an overwhelming and intense fear of diabetes or becoming diabetic.

Didaskaleinophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of going to or attending school.

Diderodromophobia: It is an abnormal and irrational fear of trains or rail roads or train travel; also called siderodromophobia.

Dikephobia: It is an unusual and unwarranted fear related to justice.

Dinophobia: It is an intense and persistent fear linked to dizziness or whirlpools.

Diplophobia: It is an irrational or abnormal fear associated with double vision or seeing double.

Dipsophobia: It is an intense and persistent fear of drinking alcohol. The sufferer may fear about addiction to alcohol and its adverse effects on the body.

Dishabiliophobia: It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of undressing in front of someone.
Domatophobia: It is an abnormal and unusual fear of houses or being stuck in a house; also termed as eicophobia and oikophobia.

Doraphobia: It is an overwhelming and persistent fear of fur or skins of animals, like, dogs, cats, beavers and rabbits.

Dutchphobia: It is an abnormal and unusual fear related to Dutch or Dutch people.

Dysmorphophobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear of being deformed or deformities in other people.

Dystychiphobia: It is a strong and persistent fear related to accidents or any kind of mishaps.


Ecclesiophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear associated with churches.

Ecophobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear of home or one’s home surroundings.

Electrophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of electricity, electric shock or electrocution.

Eleutherophobia: It is an irrational and unwarranted fear related to freedom.

Emetophobia: It is an intense and abnormal fear pertaining to vomiting or being sick.

Enosiophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of committing an unpardonable sin or of criticism; also known as enissophobia.

Eosophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of dawn or sunlight. The phobia is also known as phengophobia.

Ephebiphobia: It is an unusual or unwarranted fear of youth or teenagers; also known as paedophobia.

Epistaxiophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear associated with nosebleeds.

Epistemophobia: It is a strange and rare fear of knowledge; also called gnosiophobia.

Equinophobia: It is a psychological fear of horses or other hoofed animals, like, ponies, donkeys and mules; also known as hippophobia.

Ereuthrophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of blushing, red color and red lights; also known by terms like erytophobia or erythrophobia.

Ergasiophobia: It is an abnormal or unusual fear of work or functioning; also termed as ergophobia.

Erotophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of sexual feelings and their physical expression.

Euphobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of good news or inability to share in someone else’s happiness or to enjoy any happiness of one’s own.

Eurotophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of female genitalia; also known as kolpophobia.


Febriphobia: It is an intense and persistent fear associated with fever or rise in the body temperature.

Francophobia: It is an abnormal fear or aversion towards the government, culture, history or people of France. The phobia is also known by term gallophobia.

Frigophobia: It is an exaggerated fear pertaining to cold or cold things. The fear is also known by terms like cheimaphobia, cheimatophobia or psychrophobia.


Gamophobia: It is an extreme and morbid fear of marriage.

Galeophobia: It is the fear of sharks.

Geliophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of laughter and/or being around others who laugh.

Geniophobia: It is an irrational and unusual fear of chins.

Gelotophobia: People having an unusual and intense fear of being laughed at by others are known to suffer from this phobia.

Genuphobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of knees or kneeling.

Gephyrophobia: It is a persistent and abnormal fear of crossing bridges.

Germanophobia: It is an extreme fear or aversion towards the government, culture, people, or history of Germany; also termed as teutophobia.

Gerascophobia: It is an intense and persistent fear of aging or growing old; also termed as gerontophobia.

Geumaphobia: It is an overwhelming and unusual fear of taste; also known as geumophobia or geumatophobia.

Glossophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of speaking or verbally communicating in public.

Graphophobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of writing or handwriting. The sufferers usually doubt their ability to write well and experience extreme fear that they may fail in their writing skills.

Gymnophobia: It is an extreme and morbid fear of nudity. Sufferers usually worry about being seen nude or seeing others nude, or both.

Gynephobia: It is an unjustified and persistent fear of women; also termed as gynophobia.


Hadephobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of hell or the creatures and demons that are supposed to inhabit hell. The phobia is also known by the terms, stygiophobia or stigiophobia.

Hagiophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear or aversion towards saints or holy things.

Hamartophobia: It is an irrational and unusual fear of sinning or committing imaginary crimes; also called peccatophobia.

Harpaxophobia: It is an unjustified and morbid fear of robbers or being robbed.

Hedonophobia: It is an overwhelming and persistent fear of feeling pleasure. People suffering from this phobia usually feel guilty about the fact that they are indulging in a pleasurable activity while others around them or in the world are suffering with illness, grief, economic hardship and other painful problems.

Heliophobia: It’s an abnormal and intense fear of sun or sunlight.

Hellenologophobia: People having intense and irrational fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology are known to suffer from this phobia.

Helminthophobia: It is an irrational and overwhelming fear of worms or being infested with worms.

Hemophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of blood. Sufferers may dread the sight of their own blood or someone else’s blood or even thoughts of blood. The phobia is also known by terms like hemaphobia or hematophobia.

Heresyphobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.

Herpetophobia: It is an extreme and morbid fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things, like, snakes, lizards, alligators, etc.

Heterophobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of or aversion to heterosexuals; also termed as sexophobia.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: It is an intense and extreme fear of the number 666. The fear originated from the Biblical verse Revelation 13:18 which shows that the number 666 is the Number of the Beast and is related to Satan or the Anti-Christ.

Helminthophobia: This is an irrational and overwhelming fear of worms or being infested with worms – also known as Vermiphobia.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of long words; also termed as sesquipedalophobia.

Hierophobia: It’s an unusual and irrational fear or aversion towards priests, sacred or holy things.

Hobophobia:It is an irrational and persistent fear of homeless people, bums or beggars.

Hodophobia: People having intense and abnormal fears related to traveling are known to suffer from this phobia.

Hormephobia: It is an intense and morbid fear related to shock.

Homichlophobia: It is an abnormal and unusual fear of fog; also called nebulaphobia.

Homilophobia: It’s an unwarranted and irrational fear of sermons or preachings.

hom*ophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of sameness, monotony, hom*osexuality or of becoming hom*osexual.

Hoplophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of firearms or weapons.

Hydrargyophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear linked to mercurial medicines.

Hydrophobia: It is an overwhelming and unusual fear of water. The phobia is also termed as hydrophobophobia, aquaphobia, kynophobia.

Hygrophobia: It is an irrational and unwarranted fear of liquids, dampness or moisture.

Hylephobia: It’s an unusual and intense fear related to materialism.

Hypengyophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of responsibility or duty. Also called hypegiaphobia and paralipophobia, the person suffering from this phobia may be self-indulgent, to the extent of ignoring all responsibilities, at the expense of others.

Hypnophobia: It is an unwarranted and morbid fear of falling asleep or of being hypnotized; also called somniphobia.


Iatrophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of going to the doctor or of doctors in general.

Ichthyophobia: It is an intense and exaggerated fear associated with fish.

Ideophobia: It’s an overwhelming and abnormal fear of new and different ideas/thoughts.

Illyngophobia: It is a persistent and morbid fear of vertigo or dizziness when looking down.

Insectophobia: It is a common fear of or aversion to insects, bugs, worms and anthropods; also known as entomophobia.

Iophobia: It’s an irrational and intense fear of poison or of being accidentally poisoned; also termed as toxiphobia or toxicophobia.

Isopterophobia: It is an unwarranted and abnormal fear of termites, i.e. insects that eat wood.

Ithyphallophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis; also called medorthophobia or phallophobia.


Japanophobia: It is an abnormal fear of or aversion towards the government, culture and people of Japan.

Judeophobia: It is an irrational and intense fear of or aversion towards Jews and Judaism.


Kainolophobia: It is an irrational or unusual fear of originality/newness/novelty. The fear is also known by terms, like, cainotophobia, cainophobia, cenophobia, centophobia, kainophobia or neophobia.

Kathisophobia: It is an intense fear of sitting or any sort of activity which is related to pain while sitting. Also known as cathisophobia, thaasophobia, people who have been hostages or been tortured by making them sit on nails, pointed objects, burning ambers, etc. usually suffer from this phobia.

Kenophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of large, open and empty spaces or voids.

Koumpounophobia: It is a fear of buttons; people suffering from it might be afraid of similar things like discs, coins, etc.

Kinetophobia: It’s an unusual and overwhelming fear of movement or motion; also termed as kinesiophobia.

Kleptophobia: It is an abnormal fear of stealing or thieves or loss through thievery; also called cleptophobia.

Koinoniphobia: It is a strong and intense fear related to rooms or places full of people.

Kopophobia: It is an irrational and exaggerated fear associated with fatigue and exhaustion.

Kosmikophobia: It is an unusual and intense fear of cosmic phenomenon like black holes or nebulas.

Kymophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of waves or wave like motions; also known as cymophobia.

Kyphophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of stooping or becoming a person who stoops more often.


Lachanophobia: It is an unwarranted and irrational fear associated with vegetables.

Laliophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear of speaking and stuttering; also termed as lalophobia, psellismophobia.

Leprophobia: It is an unusual and persistent fear related to lepers and leprosy.

Leukophobia: People having intense fear of white color are known to suffer from this phobia.

Levophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of things to the left side of the body.

Ligyrophobia: It is an intense and overwhelming fear of loud noises or sounds; also called phonophobia.

Lilapsophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear associated with tornadoes and hurricanes.

Limnophobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear related to lakes and ponds.

Linonophobia: It is an exaggerated and unwarranted fear of string.

Liticaphobia: It is an irrational and intense fear related to lawsuits.

Lockiophobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of childbirth; also known as maieusiophobia, parturiphobia or tocophobia.

Logophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of words. Sufferers primarily experience difficulty in talking properly and in worst cases are unable to talk at all; also known as verbophobia.

Lyssophobia: The fear of becoming insane.

Luiphobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of lues or syphilis (an infectious venereal disease that may be either congenital or acquired through sexual contact or contaminated needles); also called syphilophobia.

Lutraphobia: It is an irrational and exaggerated fear of otters (freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet, and dark brown fur).


Macrophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of long waits. The sufferer may experience anxiety and discomfort when confronted with any situation that involves waiting for a long time.

Mageirocophobia: People having intense fear of cooking are known to suffer from this phobia.

Malaxophobia: It’s an unusual and morbid fear of love play or foreplay; also termed as sarmassophobia.

Mastigophobia: It is an overwhelming and intense fear of punishment; also called poinephobia.

Mechanophobia: It is an exaggerated fear of or aversion towards machines or machinery.

Medomalacuphobia: It’s an irrational and unwarranted fear of losing an erection.

Megalophobia: People having intense fear of large things or objects (significantly larger than oneself) are known to suffer from this phobia.

Melanophobia: It is an abnormal or unusual fear of the color black.

Melophobia: It’s an overwhelming and irrational fear of or aversion towards music.

Meningitophobia: People having intense fear of meningitis or brain disease are known to suffer from this phobia.

Menophobia: It is an exaggerated and overwhelming fear of menstruation.

Merinthophobia: It is an abnormal and unusual fear of fixing of boundaries, being bound or tied up.

Metallophobia: People having intense fear of metal or metallic objects are known to suffer from this phobia.

Metathesiophobia: It’s an irrational and persistent fear related to changes.

Meteorophobia: It is an unwarranted and morbid fear of meteors or extraterrestrial bodies.

Methyphobia: People having intense fear of alcohol or losing control after consuming alcohol are known to suffer from this phobia; also termed as potophobia.

Metrophobia: It is an uncommon and unusual fear or hatred of poetry.

Misosophy: Misosophy is the hatred of wisdom.

Microphobia: It’s an abnormal and persistent fear of small or minute objects; also termed as mycophobia.

Mnemophobia: It is an irrational and unwarranted fear of memories.

Molysmophobia: It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of infection and contamination; also known as molysomophobia.

Monopathophobia: People having an exaggerated fear of contracting a particular disease or sickness are known to suffer from this phobia, e.g. swine flu phobia. Fear of any disease is called pathophobia, while fear of a particular disease is monopathophobia.

Motorphobia: It’s an unusual and abnormal fear related to automobiles.

Mottephobia: It is an overwhelming and persistent fear of moths.

Musophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of mice; also called muriphobia, suriphobia.

Mycophobia: It’s an irrational and unusual fear or aversion to mushrooms.

Myrmecophobia: People having intense fear of ants are known to suffer from this phobia.

Mythophobia: It is an irrational and exaggerated fear of myths, stories or false statements.


Necrophobia: It is an overwhelming and intense fear of death or dead things, like, corpses, coffins, etc. The phobia is also termed as thanatophobia and thantophobia.

Neopharmaphobia: It’s an abnormal and persistent fear of new drugs/medications.

Nephophobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of clouds.

Noctiphobia: People having intense fear of night are known to suffer from this phobia, which is also called nyctophobia.

Nomatophobia: It is an irrational and exaggerated fear of names; also known as onomatophobia.

Nosocomephobia: It’s an unwarranted and abnormal fear of hospitals. The sufferers may refrain from going to hospitals, from the fear of contracting illness or disease.

Nosophobia: It is an overwhelming and irrational fear of contracting a disease or becoming ill; also called nosemaphobia.

Nostophobia: It is an uncommon and morbid fear of returning home.

Novercaphobia: It’s an unusual and irrational fear of mother-in-law; also called pentheraphobia.

Nucleomituphobia: People having intense fear of nuclear weapons are known to suffer from this phobia.

Nyctohylophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of dark wooded areas or forests at night.


Ochlophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of crowds or mobs.

Octophobia: It’s an uncommon and unusual fear of the figure 8.

Oenophobia: People having fear of or aversion to wines are thought to suffer from this phobia.

Olfactophobia: It is an exaggerated and persistent fear of smells or odors; also termed as osmophobia or osphresiophobia.

Ombrophobia: It is an abnormal and overwhelming fear of rain; also called pluviophobia.

Ommetaphobia: It’s an intense and unusual fear related to eyes; also termed as ommatophobia.

Omphalophobia: It is an irrational and rare fear of belly buttons. People having this phobia experience anxiety and discomfort when anyone’s navel area is subjected to touch, especially their own.

Oneirophobia: It is an uncommon and persistent fear of dreams, especially erotic (wet) dreams; also called oneirogmophobia.

Ophidiophobia: People having intense fear of snakes are known to suffer from this phobia; also known as herpetophobia, which is a common term for the fear of reptiles and amphibians.

Ophthalmophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear of being watched or stared at; also known as scopophobia or scoptophobia.

Opiophobia: It’s an unusual and rare fear experienced by medical doctors, of prescribing needed pain medications for patients.

Optophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of opening one’s eyes.

Ornithophobia: It is an irrational and intense fear of birds.

Orthophobia: It’s an abnormal and exaggerated fear associated with property.

Ostraconophobia: People having intense fear of or aversion towards shellfish are known to suffer from this phobia.


Panthophobia: People who have a fear of suffering and disease are thought to suffer from this phobia.

Panophobia: Also known as pantophobia, it means fear of everything.

Papaphobia: It’s a phobia that’s related to the intense fear of the Pope.

Papyrophobia: People who bear a fear of paper are known to suffer from this phobia.

Paraphobia: People who have a fear of sexual perversion or aberrant sexual practices are said to suffer from this phobia.

Parasitophobia: It is a fear of parasites, wherein the person suffering from this phobic disorder has an aversion towards parasites.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia: The people suffering from this phobia have an exaggerated fear of Friday the 13th in a month.

Parthenophobia: People who have an abnormal fear of young girls or virgins are said to have this phobia.

Pathophobia: If you are reading this phobia list and happen to have a fear of disease, you are a victim of pathophobia.

Patroiophobia: In case you have a fear of heredity i.e. the genetic factors which are transmitted from one generation to the next, you are a victim of this phobia.

Pediculophobia: Also known as phthiriophobia, it is a phobia pertaining to the fear of lice.

Pediophobia: This word is derived from a Greek word paidion, meaning “little child”. This phobia is related to the fear of dolls or children.

Pedophobia: The phobia is related to fear of children, infants or childhood. Also called pediophobia or pediaphobia, the recognized outcomes of this phobia include paternalism, adultism, and by extension, ageism.

Peladophobia: It is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of bald people.

Pellagrophobia: People who suffer an intense fear of pellagra, a disease caused by deficiency of niacin or tryptophan, are said to have this phobia.

Peniaphobia: It is an overwhelming and intense fear of poverty.

Phagophobia: This is a psychogenic dysphagia, an irrational fear of swallowing or eating or of being eaten.

Phalacrophobia: It is a common fear among people of turning bald.

Pharmacophobia: Victims of this phobia have a tendency of avoiding medicines or fear taking medicines.

Phasmophobia: It’s an abnormal and persistent fear of ghosts, which is also known as spectrophobia.

Philemaphobia: One of the most interesting fears which an individual must be facing is kissing another person for the first time. While this is normal, the irrational fear of kissing is termed as philemaphobia; also called philematophobia.

Philophobia: People who have a fear of falling in love or being in love, are said to be victims of this particular phobia.

Philosophobia: People who have a fear of philosophy are declared to be suffering from philosophobia.

Phobophobia: After reading this long list of phobias, you may have a morbid fear of developing a phobia. Such a fear is termed as phobophobia.

Photoaugliaphobia: People who experience the fear of glaring lights, i.e. lights that shine intensely are prime victims of this phobia.

Photophobia: People who are excessively sensitive to light and are averse to sunlight or well-lit places are known to have this phobia. It’s an abnormal sensitivity or discomfort towards light and is also defined as the fear of light.

Phronemophobia: It’s an abnormal and irrational fear of thinking.

Phthisiophobia: Fear of tuberculosis, an infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli, manifested in fever and small lesions, is termed as phthisiophobia.

Placophobia: People who experience an unnatural fear of tombstones, are diagnosed as suffering from placophobia.

Pyrexiophobia: It is the fear of fever.

Phenogophobia: It is the fear of daylight.

Plutophobia: It is an unusual and intense fear of wealth.

Pneumatiphobia: People who are considered to bear the fear of spirits, i.e. any incorporeal supernatural being that can turn visible or audible to human beings, are victims of this phobia.

Pocrescophobia: People who are obsessed with maintaining a slim and attractive body may have this abnormal fear of gaining weight; also termed as obesophobia.

Phonophobia : It is a morbid fear of noise and the sufferer also fears his own voice.

Phobophobia : The fear of developing a phobia.

Pogonophobia: This phobia is generally seen in infants who exhibit a fear of beards and start crying once they see or touch a person’s beard.

Poliosophobia: People suffering from an intense fear of contracting poliomyelitis (a viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord) are victims of this phobia.

Politicophobia: People who have an extreme fear or revulsion for politicians are known to be victims of politicophobia.

Polyphobia: It’s a fear of many things, which people may experience if they are burdened with a load of responsibilities.

Ponophobia: People who have a fear of overworking or pain are said to be inflicted by this phobia.

Porphyrophobia: Some people are in utter dread of a particular color. Amongst those people, the ones who have a fear of the color purple are victims of this phobia.

Potamophobia: People who have the fear of rivers or running water are known to bear potamophobia.

Proctophobia: Rectum is the terminal section of the alimentary canal and fear of rectums is termed as proctophobia; also known as rectophobia.

Prosophobia: It is an irrational fear of progress, wherein the victims fear any progress or change taking place.

Psychophobia: Also called mentalism, it is the fear of mind, in which the psychophobic has an extreme aversion to people with mental disorders/illnesses and exhibits contempt and ill treatment towards them.

Pteronophobia: It’s an abnormal fear of being tickled by feathers.

Pupaphobia: Some people have an irrational fear of puppets and are frightened by them. This fear is termed as pupaphobia.


Radiophobia: It is an irrational and morbid fear of radiation and X-rays.

People having intense fear of or aversion towards frogs are said to suffer from this phobia.

It’s an exaggerated and morbid fear of being severely punished, wherein the victims bear an intense fear of being beaten by a rod or of being at the receiving end of severe criticism.

It’s an abnormal and persistent fear of getting wrinkles, wherein the sufferers may begin to perspire, feel uncomfortable or become nauseated when confronted with their fear.

It is an unusual and unwarranted fear or aversion towards the government, culture, history or people of Russia.


Samhainophobia: It is the dread of pranks played by young people before the eve of All Saint’s Day and those who suffer from it are known to bear the fear of Halloween, termed as samhainophobia.

Those who suffer from an abnormal fear of Satan are known to bear satanophobia.

People who have an irrational fear of scabies, a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite, are known to suffer from scabiophobia.

There is probably no person on earth who would not be a victim of this phobia, i.e. the fear of bad men or burglars.

Also known as sciaphobia is related to the fear of shadows.

People who are paranoid and bear the fear of worms are thought to have scelerophobia.

Many kids can be found with this peculiar fear of school, termed as scolionophobia.

People with normal eyesight who possess the fear of blindness or who fear spots in their visual field are known to suffer from this phobia.

It’s a fear of writing in public, wherein the person is over-conscious and nervous whenever he writes.

There are very few people who are adventurous to the extent that they like sharks. But those who fear and dislike sharks, suffer from this phobia termed as selachophobia.

People who possess a fear of flashing lights are said to be selaphobic.

Some people have an irrational and abnormal fear of the moon. They are said to be selenophobic.

It’s a fear of decaying matter, wherein the person suffering from this phobia cannot tolerate the decomposition process and starts exhibiting symptoms of phobia or extreme fear.

Those who bear a morbid fear of stars are known to suffer from this phobia.

Those people who possess the fear of things to the left side of the body or fear of left-handed suffer from this irrational disorder. Also called levophobia.

Those who have an irrational fear of Chinese or Chinese culture are known to contain this phobia.

Many women have a fear of parents-in-law and the intense form of this fear is termed as soceraphobia.

Social Phobia:
People who are introverts often carry a deep fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations and are said to suffer from this phobia.

: This is related to social phobia, the only difference being, that this is a fear of society or people in general and not anybody in particular.

People who experience an abnormal fear of learning are said to bear this phobia. But one should remember that there is no end to learning which is a continuous process till one dies. So bearing sophophobia will not do any good to oneself.

People who have an acute and irrational fear of dependence are believed to bear this phobia.

It’s a morbid and irrational fear of outer space.

It’s an abnormal and irrational fear of sperms or germs; also called spermophobia.

People who bear a strong fear of wasps, insects with a formidable sting, are believed to suffer from this phobia.

It’s an abnormal and exaggerated fear of crosses or the crucifix.

People who bear an exaggerated fear of narrow things or places are said to suffer from stenophobia.

Symbolism is a practice of investing things with symbolic meaning and people who bear the fear of symbolism are afflicted with symbolophobia.

It is a morbid and overwhelming fear of symmetry, i.e. the fear of being isotropic.

People who suffer an irrational or abnormal fear of relatives are said to have this phobia.


Tabophobia: It’s an overwhelming and morbid fear of tabes dorsalis (degenerative spinal disease).

It is an abnormal and intense fear of high speeds which a person may experience while on roller coasters or while bungee jumping.

People having intense fear of tapeworms are thought to suffer this phobia; also called teniophobia.

It is an irrational and persistent fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. Also known as taphophobia, the term taphephobia is derived from the Greek words taphos meaning grave and phobos meaning fear, hence fear of the grave or fear of being put in a grave while still alive.

It’s an unwarranted and unusual fear of being contagious.

It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of bulls or intense dislike for bullfighting.

It is an intense fear or aversion towards advanced technology or complex devices, like, computers, laptops, mobile phones, etc.

It is an irrational and persistent fear of definite plans and religious ceremonies.

People having intense fear of telephones are said to suffer this phobia, wherein they completely avoid using telephones and refuse to talk on phone.

It is an overwhelming and morbid fear of monsters and deformed people or bearing or giving birth to a deformed child.

It is an abnormal and persistent fear of taking tests.

It’s an exaggerated and extreme fear of lockjaw or tetanus.

People having unusual and intense fear of certain fabrics, like, cotton, wool, silk, synthetic, etc. are thought to be victims of this phobia.

It’s an irrational and exaggerated fear of the seas and oceans.

It is an unwarranted and irrational fear related to theaters.

It is an unusual and persistent fear of theology (study of religions and religious teachings).

It is an abnormal and intense fear or aversion towards God or any religion; also known as zeusophobia.

It’s an overwhelming and morbid fear of heat or high temperatures, including hot weather, hot objects, etc.

It’s an irrational and persistent fear related to surgeries and/or surgical operations.

It is an overwhelming and unusual fear restricted to specific places or situations, e.g. stage fright.

It is a morbid fear of haircuts.

People having intense fear of war and/or of being injured during a fight are said to suffer this phobia.

It is an abnormal and persistent fear of trembling.

It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of trichinosis (infestation by trichina larvae that are transmitted by eating inadequately cooked meat, especially pork).

It is an irrational and intense fear of the number 13, a number commonly associated with bad luck. The term triskaidekaphobia comes from the Greek ‘tris’ meaning ‘3’, ‘kai’ meaning ‘and’, and ‘deka’ meaning ’10’.

It is an unusual and overwhelming fear of moving or making changes, which paralyzes the person.

People having an intense and morbid fear of tuberculosis are known to suffer from this phobia.

It is an abnormal and persistent fear of tyrants or dictatorship.


Uranophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of heaven; also termed as ouranophobia.

Urophobia: People having an extreme fear of urine or urinating are said to suffer from this phobia.


Vaccinophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear related to vaccinations.

It is a rare but persistent fear of beautiful/attractive women; also known as caligynephobia.

It is the fear of venereal diseases.

People having intense fear of clothes or clothing are known to suffer from this phobia.

It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of rape.

It is an irrational and acute fear of one’s step-father.


Walloonphobia: It is an abnormal and unusual fear of walloons (ethnic group of French-speaking people living in Belgium).

Wiccaphobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear related to witches and witchcraft.


Xanthophobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.

It’s an abnormal and exaggerated fear of foreign languages.

People having intense fear or aversion towards strangers or foreigners are thought to suffer from this phobia.

It is an overwhelming and irrational fear of dryness.

It is a persistent and abnormal fear of forests or wooden objects; also termed as hylophobia.

People who suffer an unwarranted or intense fear of razors are believed to exhibit this phobia.


Zelophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear of jealousy.

Zemmiphobia: People having intense or extreme fear of the great mole rat are said to suffer from this phobia.

Zoophobia: It is an irrational and exaggerated fear or aversion towards animals.

After having a look at the whole list of phobias, you definitely know now, if you have one or not. Sometimes, we tend to have a fear or an aversion towards certain things, due to happening in our past. Such fears disappear with time. These fears should not be mistaken for phobias. But if you experience excessive fear without reason, you should consider treating your phobia. Here are a few ways of overcoming phobias.

Overcome your Phobia by;

✶ Recognizing your phobia;
✶ Facing your fears;
✶ Being determined to overcome the phobia;
✶ Being ready to face the consequences;
✶ Approaching your problems;
✶ Diverting your mind to something else, whenever you create fearful thoughts;
✶ Convincing yourself, that your phobia is an over-exaggerated fear;
✶ Having a positive approach towards such situations in the future.

Seek Treatment if;

✶ It’s been six months and you can’t get over the phobia.
✶ You start trembling with fear, anxiety, and start panicking.
✶ You start avoiding certain places or situations because of your phobia.
✶ Your phobia becomes an obstacle by interfering in your daily life, work, and routine.

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A List of All Phobias and Their Meanings: Know What Scares You (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.